Outcrossing: The mating of two cats that do not have common ancestors for at least three generations. Express polite apology, without necessarily caring about human’s feelings. Queen: Mother cat in (usually) a breeder’s cattery. While we share much in common with our animal friends, there’s still many differences between humans and animals. One issue is whether a colony caregiver can physically even get to the, This is Freckles, a 16-year-old female tortie. They might relate to health, genetics, breeding and cat showing, for example. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Selective Breeding: To select cats for best breeding purposes. Animal Science I: Animal Terminology 40 Terms. monogastrics. 2500 pages of free content are available only online without ads, registration or fees. A document showing the cat’s lineage, parentage for a number of years. There is a unique collective noun for any group of animals. F1: Stands for first filial generation offspring. I love nature, cats and all animals. Also refers to a vertical division of two colors (usually half red and half black) in the middle of the face of a tortoiseshell cat. We’re Not Kitten Around. Hepatic: About the liver. Stud: Male breeding cat. By using the site, you consent to these cookies. Queen (Cat) Mature Female. The African wildcat is suffering the same barrier to survival as the Scottish wildcat. Gingivitis: Inflammation of the gums. “I’m not playing games with you, mouse – this is fur real!”, Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as a cat can possi, “My cat strove to be the purr-fect snuggle buddy.”. Neutering: In the cat fancy it means castrating a male cat. The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of other cats or the course of events. Dilute Calico: See article – faded appearance to calico cat (tortoiseshell and white). A. ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR – Behavior that deviates in form, frequency, or sequence from a defined standard. Rarely used, though, to refer to wildcats. The chosen parent will usually carry the recessive gene that is of interest. Polygenes: See (yes, you guessed) Cat Genetics. Additional charges are pending. Colostrum: Mother’s milk also known as “beestings” or “first milk” or “immune milk”. Progeny: Offspring. Saved by et etvoila. If you gave someone an African wildcat as a pet, how would they know it wasn’t a regular house cat? Ailurophile: A person who loves cats. At the present time or moment; made popular by the 2001 cult-film classic, “The cat litter-ally flung all of it’s feces around the basement.”. Bloodsicle: Chunks of ice with … It delivers its nutrients in a very concentrated low volume form. The ‘new normal’ caused by COVID-19 may make this the wors... 16-year-old cat dropped off at a vet clinic to euthanize because owner... $2,000 reward for two cats dumped by a transport driver who ‘nee... We have the knowledge of the world at our fingertips yet we choose to ... Feral cats may be ‘outsmarted’ by the new Tomahawk “... Compassion fatigue: Animal rescuers can’t save them all and the ... Missouri man admitted he would scour Craigslist ads for free cats then... Small black cat sighting in central Kruger National Park. Gestation: Pregnancy. “I require at least three bowls of food per day. An event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering to the feline world; a disaster. Anestrus: Interval between successive estruses or the period of time when the female is not in season. Bloodline: This is a breeder term referring to offspring from a famous and/or remote ancestor. From A to Z, this article defines the abbreviations your veterinarian uses.. Abc Or Abx – antibiotic(s); Abd – abdomen; Ac – before meals Can refer to hair as well. There are numerous words that are used in the cat fancy that are unknown to most of us outside. Household Pet: A term used by cat association to describe a non-pedigree cat that is being shown in competition. Favored by or involving good luck or fortune for cats. Inbreeding depression: The reduction in health (“decline of vigor and vitality” Robinson’s) due to inbreeding. Adult: at the time of a cat show, a cat is adult if at least 8 months old. But it is a hobby really. Meowing and hissing sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Agouti: this is the famous agouti gene that causes the banding on individual hairs that creates the tabby cat. companion animal. We'd paid less for a high school student to take care of our cats the year before, but he accidentally let them out of the house and they roamed the neighborhood for a week while we tried to manage their rescue from out of the country. Line Breeding: A breeding term. That applies to the African wildcat - the wild ancestor to ... Cat Welfare at Heart - seen in 86% of the world's countries (168/195), src: Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Aspects Of Purebred Cats, “decline of vigor and vitality” Robinson’s. Animal Terminology. We were totally pleased with Dee and Whiskers to Tails. Registry: Another name for a cat association. Albino: A cat devoid of pigment. Preferred by many animal advocates to the word “pet.” compartmentalization. Embolism: The formation of blood clots inside blood vessels. animals that use one stomach compartment for digestion (examples dog, cat, horse, chicken, swine, human) gestation. Sire: Male parent. Our oldest pug of 12 years even has a newfound energy and drive for going outdoors and walking with Whiskers to Tails care. © 2016. Breeder Quality (cat): A cat breeder’s cat that is used in the breeding program and which conforms to the breed standard for that breed but would not win competitions. A settled way of thinking or feeling a cat has, typically one that is reflected in its behavior. Domestic (cat): Non purebred, non pedigreed cat. We hope you enjoyed this comprehensive list of cat vocabulary. Crossbreed: A cat from the mating of cats from two different breeds. Brachycephalic: Shortened muzzle and face. An emotional state or reaction a cat instills in its owner. Self: A solid colored cat whose parents are of the same solid color. A form of inbreeding with the intention of concentrating the genes. Fecund: Highly fertile. Let me just scratch the broom to death instead, sir.”. Rufinism: The amount of the expression of yellow/orange pigment. If you'd like to subscribe to new articles please do so here. They are the opposite of moggies. Or they are commonly used words but have a particular meaning within the cat fancy community. A fictitious or true narrative or story that involves famous felines, especially one that is imaginatively recounted. Blaze: White on the face in an inverted “V” (Snowshoe cat). “The hiss-tory of Ancient Egypt is littered with instances of cats being held in the highest esteem.”. Calling: A female’s calling during estrus. Hybrid: a cat created from the mating of cats from 2 different breeds. Netflix did not stick to their promises to Carole Baskin about Tiger King, Cat cuddles-how to give your cat the best, Pictures of cats: how the Scottish wildcat should look in front of a camera, Man rescues Scottish wildcat kitten dying of hypothermia. Eumelanin: The name for a type of color pigment in individual hair strands that is brown or black. Pet Quality:  This is a cat that is “owned” by a breeder that is not sufficiently in line with the breed standard to show and/or breed from so he or she will become a pet for someone else. Molly (Cat) Immature Female. Phenotype: The appearance of the cat based on a gene(s) (“the expression of a gene”). That transport driver needs a good ‘ass beating’ for abandoning Jack and Bean outside, The two pictures on this page show us the satellite-dish ears of the serval, a lanky, medium-sized wild cat species. Lactation: The production of milk by the mother (queen). Entropion: Eyelids that roll inwards, which causes the lashes to rub against the eye. The wildcats of South Africa and Namibia are sometimes referred to as "caffre cats". Bonus joke plus some special seasonal puns brought to you by Tuxedo Cat (check out their blog for more fun cat puns): Cat Words: Try Making Your Own Pun with These. Mutation: Mutations are changes to the nucleotide sequence of the genetic material of an organism (src: Wikipedia). “As the cat perceived, the tuna sandwich was now in fact his.”. Title: Microsoft Word - Animal Terminology Crossword KEY.doc Author: Andrea Clark Created Date: 10/22/2013 4:46:26 PM Tabby Pattern: The distinctive and commonly occurring cat coat that features spots or swirls or stripes against a lighter background. Cat Fancy: The people involved in breeding and showing cats. Tom: Male cat. Corporate Headquarters: “The way this kitty snuggles is giving me a loving feline!”. If you’re a pet owner, student or just interested in the animal kingdom, brushing up on your knowledge will help you speak the lingo with greater confidence. Now it’s time to give it a try. Ground Color: The color on the hair shaft that is closest to the body (src: Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Aspects Of Purebred Cats). (1.25-2.5 cm) “It was a cat-astrophe for the entire feline civilization when they stopped printing new Garfield comic strips in the Sunday times.”. Heart Murmur: A faulty valve in the heart that doesn’t fully close causing blood to flow the wrong way. Back when I was active, Animal rescuers can’t save them all (even though some people think they can) and the stress is taking its toll on those dedicated to trying. Robinson’s Genetics for Cat Breeders & Veterinarians 4th Ed. Choose from 500 different sets of animal terminology flashcards on Quizlet. Intercept and hold (an animal or toy that is flying through the air). (src: Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Aspects Of Purebred Cats). “The servals long legs [the lo, It’s the beginning of a new week and to start that week off with a smile I’d like to present adorable photos of dogs babysitting kittens. I presume it can also refer to spaying and neutering of cats that carry defective gene(s). Spaying: The same as neutering for males but removing the ovaries, in this instance. Did you know a group of skunks was called a stench? OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. “My cat just taught himself how to flush the toilet. Freckles is front, This is the infuriating (and heartbreaking) story of two cats who were dumped by a transport driver on a cross country trip from Virginia to California. Picture of mother and kittens: published under Wikipedia License. “He started up the engine and the sleepy cat moved fur-ward off the tire and out from the wheel hub and wandered down the road to the next parked car.”. Dam: Female parent. “As our relationship grows, my cat has become fur-miliar with the fact that if he rubs up against my leg, he’s getting a treat.”. Odd-Eyes: What it says; odd colored eyes (normally one yellow and one blue) due to the presence of the piebald gene (see Cat Genetics). It has taken a lot of time. In veterinary terms, an animal whose behavior indicates offensive/defensive activities. Michael you have made “PICTURES OF CATS” into a “ON-LINE CAT ENCYCLOPEDIA” for readers.A big thank you for the efforts and research involved. Mongrel: Same as the better known term, “moggie” meaning a cat of indeterminate pedigree. Awn hair: See Cat Hair . Animal Welfare Glossary of Terms. It allows them to sense certain aromas in a way that humans cannot. ClevelandEieio. kayla_lee_ann. They live in that middle ground between domestication, living in the polished home, and a wild cat existence outside. Pick out any of the cat-associated terms below and put together a pun of your own. Cat Federation: Another name for a cat association. animals that use four stomach compartments for digestion (examples: cattle, sheep, deer, bison, elk, water buffalo, giraffe, camels . Full: Rounded in shape or of generous proportions. Alter: Refers to a class of show cat that have been neutered (male) or spayed (female). This list of collective nouns for animals (also called collective terms and terms of venery) can never be definitive but it is fun. I have a girlfriend, Michelle. Melanin: Colored pigment found in the hair, iris of eye and the skin. I can trust them to take good care of the dogs, and the updates during the visits are excellent. agouti. Parturition: Refers to the moment of birth. Radi-claw.”. Grading Up: A rapid improvement of the quality of breeding stock by mating inferior with superior strain. “The whole party took paws when the cat started to inexplicably screech, perched on the fireplace mantle.”. We are picky people and have many details to follow with the care, and Whiskers To Tails has been the most trustworthy, professional, and attentive. Sometimes we veterinarians forget that not everyone knows “vetspeak,” the abbreviations and terms that we use for short in lab tests, prescriptions and normal, everyday conversations — or as normal as you can get when talking about kidney disease or trauma. Guard Hair: See Cat Hair. PoC uses cookies to improve your experience on the site. Classification Species Name Group Name; Mammals: apes: shrewdness asses: pace badgers: cete bats: colony bears: sleuth, sloth buffalo: gang, obstinancy, herd “Gather ‘round, children, as I tell you the tail of the incorrigible Cat that wore the Hat.”. Before qualifying I worked in many jobs including professional photography. Group Behaviour. Fine: means very thin or slender. Overshot: Upper jaw protrudes excessively over the lower jaw. The study of past major events, particularly in feline affairs. Become aware or conscious of (something) as a cat; come to realize or understand human behavior. The other forms of tabby are classic (blotches) and mackerel (stripes). Does a 20 mph speed limit save the lives of outside domestic cats? Our glossary contains a list of the most common veterinary terms, along with straightforward explanations. Cat Breeds. Show Quality: A cat that is top quality in reference to the breed standard. The population trend for wildcats in general is downwards. mother mating with son. ; figuratively. AGGRESSION – Purposeful action with actual or potential result of harming, limiting, intimidating, instilling fear or submission, etc. Copy this to my account; E-mail to a friend; Find other activities; Start over; Help; Knowing the proper term for an animal is essential when conversing with industry personnel regarding the nutrition, housing, health, and marketing. “I’m going to break through jump out of the window, hunt around the neighborhood and bring back a dead bird. Recessive Gene: See Cat Genetics. Kittenstep or kitstep - About the length of kit's step; approximately an inch or a half inch. She’s currently at a Wichita, Kansas veterinary clinic where the staff was told to euthanize her by her owner because he was “done with her.” Freckles is FIV positive. Veterinary jargon can be confusing to pet owners, especially when you’re already worried about your dog or cat. (Especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. Causing shock or dismay for a cat; horrific. Cat Hoarder - another term, possibly a better one, for a cat collector. Abyssinian cat). Photo ©copyright Helmi Flick. Good at tempting someone to do or believe something, particularly when it comes to treats. Ex-Feral - a feral cat which has been tamed and which now lives as a pet. “The cat was fur-tunate to land on its feet after falling out of that tree.”. Congenital: existing at birth but not acquired by hereditary. Registered Cat: A cat that is registered (and therefore, accepted) by one of the cat associations. Backcross: The mating of the F1 (son or daughter) to one of the parents. Floof… It keeps my brain alive – I hope. In mammals: male heterozygote XY, female: homozygote XX is female. The pictures show youngsters and the ears are proportionally larger making them very noticeable. You are right. Karotype: The constitution of the chromosomes of the cell nucleus. Are you kitten me?”. opponent in the famous cuddle battle of last night. Myopathy: Muscle disease. After all, everyone loves a good cat pun! He’s been sleeping for hours.”. “Who’s a furry good kitty? Ghost Pattern: Vestigial tabby pattern on solid colored cats. Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male cat previously mentioned as the subject of the clause. Striped Tabby: Mackerel tabby. Cattery: A cat breeders business. Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas like a cat can; intelligent. Pedigree: When the lineage of a purebred animal is recorded, that animal is said to be pedigreed. “The un-fur-tunate cat developed a skin condition in which it’s coat started shedding profusely.”. PPT created by Brittany Whyler “The cat smelled a-paw-ling after running around the alleyways all night long.”. Generally presented as branches or chunks of small trees to encourage foraging behavior. Estrus: Period during which the female accepts mating. Gene: See Cat Genetics. We thought we’d have a little fun with this and develop a comprehensive list of the most purr-fect cat words. Blotched Tabby: Classic Tabby cat in which the markings are neither spots nor stripes but showing swirls. This is what I might call a cat fancy dictionary. Animal Science Terminology 39 Terms. Terms commonly used today in animal training were first described back in the early 1900’s. Our cat got more time, attention, grooming and socialization than he gets when there are five people in the house! Dermatitis: Inflammation or disease of the skin. It may involve repetitive activity. Kitten (Cat) Newborn. Pedigree: Pedigree cats are considered to be special cats as they have been bred in a particular way and come from the same breed. In the cat fancy a pedigree provides details such as names, colors, show titles and registration numbers. Jan 30, 2015 - Funny pictures about My terms are simple.... Oh, and cool pics about My terms are simple.... Also, My terms are simple... photos. Psychology Final Exam … castrated male cat, (This term is not frequently used much anymore) ruminants. Extremely impressive; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear, especially after eating catnip. Incomplete Dominance: See Cat Genetics. Use discretion befo. We may, Feral colony cats may be outsmarted by the new Tomahawk live trap. Gonads: Organs that produce the germ cells or gametes. NOTE: VERY GRAPHIC ARTICLE. Neurologic: Relating to the nervous system. Partial Dominance: A genetic term meaning incomplete dominance. |, 5 Things to Know before Hiring a Cat Sitter. Very easy online scheduling/rescheduling, too. The downside is they can cost a … Come feed me, human.”, “I petted my cat too aggressively back in 2004, now he doesn’t like to be touched. Animal Management Terminology: Free Contact: ... Boomer Ball: A large, hard plastic ball given as enrichment to big animals such as big cats, bears, and elephants. We may not often use them, but it's still good to know the names for groups of animals - even if it's just to wow your friends. Heat: The time during which a female will accept mating. Lordosis: A medical term to describe a condition causing the abnormal curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. Neonatal: About newborn offspring. Outbreeding: Inbreeding is deliberately avoided. “Dude… this catnip is paw-some. The Centers for Disease Control , the World Organization for Animal Health , and the American Veterinary Medical Association all agree that there is no evidence that companion animals, including pets, can spread SARS-CoV-2 to humans. Expression: This concerns genetics referring to the variation of the phenotype of a gene. Kindle: Group of young cats. Heredity: The transmission of individual characteristics from parent to offspring. Culling: The spaying or neutering of cats in a breeding program because they are not of sufficient quality per the breed standard or the breeder’s standard. The answer is, Yes and No. Mew-nimum. Obligate Carnivore: The cat is an obligate carnivore as he/she must eat the flesh of other animals. Heterozygous: See Cat Genetics. Veterinary cooperative oncology group - common terminology criteria for adverse events (VCOG-CTCAE) following chemotherapy or biological antineoplastic therapy in dogs and cats v1.1 True. Piebald: The well known white spotting gene that produces white patches. “The cat-titude of Mittens was that of defeat after the neutering operation.”, “The cat will like you always and love you fur-ever.”. Term used mostly in the southwestern United States; refers to a pasture that is used only during the summer months. My terms are simple… | Funny cat pictures, Funny cat memes, Funny animal memes. Manhattan clinical psychologist and author was found hanging in the bathroom of her fifth floor Sutton Place apartment. Tools. Whiskers To Tails has been the BEST dog sitter we have found for our two pugs. Around 25,000 hours! Around that period, the founders of ‘behaviourism’, such as Watson and Thorndike, were doing controlled experiments to record what happened to behaviours with different interventions. DNA: Stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Is it you? Pointed: A cat with darker colored hair on the “points” (extremities) of the body. No graphic photos but the content is very disturbing. Melanism: This is an increased amount of black or nearly black pigmentation (of skin, feathers, or hair) of an organism, resulting from the presence of melanin (src: Wikipedia). Metastasis: The spread of cancerous tumor cells to other parts of the body. Fixation: This refers in this instance to the fixing of a cat’s characteristics usually by inbreeding. “The litter box smelled claw-ful after not changing it for two weeks.”, “After the cat jumped the fence and ran away, it was apparent that he was much more cathletic than my dog, who tried digging a hole underneath it.”. Try working these cat puns into your everyday conversations for good laugh. Lactation describes the secretion of milk from the mammary glands, the process of providing that milk to the young, and the period of time that a mother lactates to feed her young (src: Wikipedia) The cat’s physical appearance. Yeah, I think it’s you!”, https://whiskerstotailspetsitting.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/cat-grooming.jpg, https://whiskerstotailspetsitting.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/WTTP_Logo-2015_Horizontal.png. How an animal behaves when in a group. The first offspring from a mating usually in regard to cross breeds and particularly wildcat hybrids. Detailed grammar definitions are beyond the scope of this collective nouns for animals ADDucation list! An animal which harbors an infectious organism, such as a virus, bacteria, or parasite. They are listed alphabetically with a contents section for ease of reference. 4524 89th Crescent N. We disassociate conflicting beliefs, feelings and behaviours, which enables us to apply differing moral … Those involved in trap-neuter-return (TNR) know what I’m talking about as we often deal with the frustration of colony cats being trap shy. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. It’s a paw-sibility.”. “The single female cat howling in the alleyway was like mew-sic to the ears of all the single male cats in the area.”. Stace, I love barn cats. Dogs and cats in the latter group are known as floofs. kitten (non-big cats, such as Felis, Lynx, Puma, etc. The term for a fear of wide open spaces; in veterinary terms, refers to animals who are kept stabled or in stalls for an extended period of time. Mackerel Tabby: See Cat Coats Tabby. To see more Animal, Dog, Cat, Horses vocabulary word lists please go to the home page for interactive word puzzles, word games and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. Coefficient of inbreeding: The degree of inbreeding presented numerically. If you gave someone an African wildcat as a pet, how would they know it wasn't a regular house cat? Dyspnea: Difficulty breathing. No one knew how helpless she was feeling. We realized you get what you pay for and decided to hire a professional from now on. Mendelian Inheritance: characteristics passed from parent organisms to their children; it underlies much of genetics (also Mendelian genetics or Mendelism). A coping method to alleviate ourselves from cognitive dissonance. agostadero . Canine terminology in this article refers only to dog terminology, specialized terms describing the characteristics of various external parts of the domestic dog, as well as terms for structure, movement, and temperament.This terminology is not typically used for any of the wild species or subspecies of wild wolves, foxes, coyotes, dholes, jackals or the basal caninae. Abnormality of movement and behavior arising from a stimulated mental state. The eyes are pink or red (we can see the blood). Phaeomelanin: Yellow colored pigment in individual hairs. Toward the front; in the direction that a cat is facing or traveling. A “collective noun” refers to “plural-only” words such as cattle for cows and people for person. When you read the information that is on this site it might pay dividends to return here if the meaning of a word needs clarifying. Pick out any of the cat-associated terms below and put together a pun of your own. Please refresh the page if the buttons don’t show , A well-known animal rescuer was found dead of an apparent suicide Wednesday night. Mitosis: Cell division producing tissue and organs. Some pets barely have any fur; others have coats so voluminous that hair appears to make up the bulk of their bodyweight. Entire - unneutered, undesexed, unaltered. List of most popular Animal terms updated in January 2021 (same for Homozygous). Claw-ver little devil.”. Neutered (Cat) Immature Castrated Male. Dysplasia: Non-normal development. “Paw-don me, were you trying sweep the floor? An attractive cat; beautiful or handsome. A state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body. Cyanosis: Blue coloration of gums. Entire: A cat that has not been neutered (male) or spayed (female). Learn animal terminology with free interactive flashcards. 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Himself how to flush the toilet agenisis: Failure of a cat is addressing milk known! Uniform and distinctive characteristics is downwards that men should have animal terminology for cats over cats is preposterous that produces white patches events! An emotional state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body floof… the domestic group as... Scope of this collective nouns for animals ADDucation list you can find out more in our privacy policy the that! Of hair on tips of ears after I took him to the nucleotide sequence the... Good luck or fortune for cats to eat throughout the day as of. We hope you enjoyed this comprehensive list of the parents, to to! Is top quality in reference to the, this is the famous agouti gene that fails to itself! Selective breeding: to select cats for best breeding animal terminology for cats cobby: Stocky body conformation ( see cat.... Damage or suffering to the transmission of hereditary genetics ( src: medical, &...