And nobody cares. My friends are getting better grades than mine. And just to be fair, I’ve tried reaching out to them and I’m lucky if I even receive a response. My world turned.Reason he was the one who watched out for me and cared for me. I tried asking other women out but it turn out to be nothing. I wish you find happiness and your sadness and troubles go away. Remember, everyone is struggling in one way or the other and you cannot compare whose struggle is bigger. Where we will not be alone. I just stand there trying not to be annoying saying only a few words cause every time i’m trying so talk and tell them something about me someone interrupts me and .. i. imagine you can understand the rest of it . I am but a breath away from the edge of A blade, a bullet, a rope , or a pill as a last hope. I fear getting better because I am so comfortable being numb but I hate it at the same time. I’m not Christian and I don’t believe any god will take my troubles away. I feel like no one cares about me, no one values me. I know sometimes hope can seem far away, but it always remains in the Lord and in people who know what you’re going through and will listen. "If Everyone Cared". I was a skinny girl however when I grew up I started into fitness! Im routing for you. I’m angry, bitter, hateful, and I have absolutely nothing left to give others, let alone to help myself. I love God and believe He loves me…but sometimes it’s nice to have a person to actually talk to who is here in person! It’s crazy to me that all my life I have wanted real friends and relationships but I have never been able to actually achieve or maintain it. Sad does not do my feelings justice. This sounds like a sad time for you but there may be better times to come. Get shoes. Its worse to live in a pretend world and keep the silence. I have no close friends, I rarely get a chance to visit my current friends, and I never had a sleepover in my life.This isn’t what I have a problem with, though. now I’m completely alone and any friends I had hated her and now won’t talk to me. I’d rather wake up to live life in one of those dreams I described., I meant to write ‘ “no one cares” for the umpth time’ there at the beginning. You have invested. I am happy I found this. Instead I find myself still recovering from being fired a year ago from a terrible job in which I’d felt enslaved. Life has robbed me of so much. I’m reading it now, got it from my library in UK. When I was mover to general population I emded up leading 24 womam to a relationship with God. Honestly elementary schools should implements classes on the subject . I know there are people who will always remember me for what I did for them. I don’t know what your religious beliefs are, but on days I feel especially alone, I reach out to my Father in heaven Who has never disappointed or ignored my needs. Wow, all this stuff make’s my own problems seem like nothing, and so I should have no reason to feel this way, but it happens anyway. Maybe one day I will stumble across a group of people, or even just a single person, who makes me feel less alone. So, once again, thank you for your response. I am currently praying and talking to God about some of my ideas. It must be so hard for you, to feel alone in this world. My own mother didn’t even so much as text me. Oftentimes I feel very sad. If you need a friend, I’m here. I have no one. 9 thousand in debt caring for him. You ARE strong. Doing my hair with more style. I also have dreamed with social life existence, I’ve dreammed chatting with a best friend, in the most natural and beautiful way, and I’ve imagined he asks me how I’m doing because he’s really interested in my life, he likes my tastes, he likes my skills, he approves my goals and my effort… and I feel I’m being stared in the best possible way. I feel I have lost the battle of losing his heart to someone else long ago before I came I into his life. I have no friends. That was four years ago. I’ve learned in my own life that when I expect people to respond or act in a certain way, then I am often disappointed. My husband told me on our first date, was that it was my frank honesty that made him fall in love with me. And it will pass. It’s not like there is anyone to tell anyway. May you find peace and healing. Nothing worked! I’ve learned that you must be true to yourself and the right people will appear. I still remembered my mom rejected me by giving me away to be wt my dad to stay wt her new wife and her children from previous marriage. But reaching out to a healthy support system is possible. Somedays I feel grateful – yes roof over my head (for now), safe from crime (today), and food on my table (yes tin food is still food – not brain food, but ja). The problem is that my husband lost his job and my salary wasn’t enough. I keep picking up my phone, desperate to reach out to friends, but there is no one for me to text. I can brush my teeth. People don’t bother to even look at me and I am constitely looking at others but I don’t get back what I want. Divorce. No one who will stick around long enough for me to tell them the truth about what I have been going through recently. Keep busy, walks, going out and maybe you will find some unexpected friends. It’s so frustrating. He wants you to blossom into who He created you to be…but you have to participate. You are a good man for having these unselfish feelings. friendly outside of their circle of acceptable women. My therapist said I will need 2 years of this since the trauma events were my whole childhood. I hear loneliness and sadness in your voice, despair and anxiety. I dont talk to my twin sister much bc she doesnt seem to want to talk to me. Sometimes, I feel like He’s all I really have in this world, and I’ve often cried tears of anguish, frustration and hurt out to Him. Not only that, the morning brought hope and faith for a new day! leaving me completely alone . You, our Lord, are the only “cake” we need and we love You with all our hearts. At his funeral .I again looked around. Don’t forget to share your favorite don’t care meme on social media! I live in a neighborhood but our neighbors might as well be a whole continent away. So why does nobody care about me? xo I have a daughter who has time for everyone else but me. The Dream from today: My whole body fought it not my mind. Your email address will not be published. When Spring begins its merry career Oh! I too am a nurse, so can understand a bit more. I also visit virtual realities through video games, right now I’m viewing Ocarina of Time. I buy presents on birthday’s . I am doing little things like that. I spent five (*yes, five) years crying from homesickness. How do you have faith in a God who lets your daughter die, your husband leave, your sister suffer, your friend abused? Sometimes, we just can’t see them right away because of the pain in front of us. I will be 48 in 3 months. Also that He never leaves my side, and continues to show his presence in my life. I wish you a great new year! I totally understand what you mean. I envision being in love with a lady who is in love with me and is serious about US, not so much what other people think. But I have changed my dates now. Learn how to overcome these moments of doubt, and value yourself for who you are. I love being alone; I recently spent 6 days alone in Hollywood, CA. Thank you. Others – the wiser, more experienced folks – know that this, too, shall pass. Weirdly, the only thing that helped me through the feeling that nobody cared about me was Ecclesiastes. I was seeing if I could hang out with them but my friends mom wouldn’t come pick me up. During that period towards the end, family, children’s aid, the Roman Catholic Church (mother went to see a priest for help after my father and I nearly fought because I turned a light off before going to bed.. The animals I always say can teach humans. I watched my mom and grandma die a few years ago. And… burning through savings. $500.00? My worst experience was three years in Africa, teaching at a school for missionaries’ kids, surrounded by families and couples and happy shiny Christians. I am seeing someone who I care fo far more than is reciprocated. I only have my daughter part time. Praise God that you too fill your life reading. If you do, winning takes care … The older daughter lives literally around the corner. I really needed to read this article in such a desperate way. . We sold our home, & have approximately $90,000 in equity. Please stop thinking about taking your own life. I needed her more then ever. I have to keep going as you said. Learn how to overcome these moments of doubt, and value yourself for who you are. Just keep dipping into His river of love . People only bring you down if you let them.Yes i miss my husband being here with me. I also am thinking about starting a business at home on my computer. I’m single and have been for years. I’m finally at peace. It’s all about ego and money. I can shower. There are people who will read my message and ignore me without bothering to type out a reply. there is light at the end of the tunnel I just know it. How do you see God in the darkest times of your life? He was paid by the estate a monthly income, so more or less he was considered retired at the age of 45, I was 38. I heard something on the radio recently about melancholia (the old name for feeling down, I think). Don’t expect everything to fall in being right away, it all comes in time. I’m trying to stay strong. Maybe an evening class. Atlest for our security also she does not care I has losty liscence for psy. I am sure you live literature and the arts . We had a bad argument today and it was much of the same old, same old. Mandy, thank you for your kind thoughts! So lonely and sad, whether I am with people or not. . Learn what Halena wants to do. I have tried everything but nothing isn’t good enough for him. I just don’t know where to turn. Perhaps, this is one of them for You. That really hurts,and besides my husband doesn’t show me affection anymore because he says that living with my parents is so stressful that he is always worried. Believe me when I say, suicide would be preferable to my existence! My husband was the same a Baptist . That hole in your heart is made by God, and it can only be filled by God. I’m not saying we should treat people bad, just that some don’t get how blessed they are to be with a person who treats them so well either because they take it for granted or whatever other reasons there are. There are people who like you are in unloved homes or at home completely alone like me. Thank you for being here – my heart is warmed by your willingness to open up and share how you’re feeling. You could try asking her in a gentle way if there’s anything she wants to talk about. Sorry, the quote that eludes me in reference to this article and the commenter sharing about working in Africa is one that Mother Theresa shared in her service in India…something about her struggles to feel God and to keep on even when faith seemed irrelevant, and about her intense loneliness…. But for some reason it made me feel much better – and not so alone – to know that people have struggled with feeling unwanted and alone since the beginning of time. Forget Her is the new must-read sci-fi thriller by novelist Holly Riordan that will keep you on the edge of your seat! My husband always tells me I’m being taken advantage of and I’m too nice but honestly I think he does the same thing to me , if not worse. My personal life is suffering. I want to matter to someone. I went through a bad breakup exactly six months ago and I thought I’d never get over it! I can understand how You’re longing for at least some time for Yourself. Am i a bad person,no im not,i just gave the wrong people the benefit of the doubt,so happens it was family members. And your thoughts and feelings have some of the same power to shape your world and experience. Keep in mind no one will get away with anything. there are people out there who truly have nothing and no-one in their world so i really do hope you can find in your heart the happiness that i know is there…lots of love to you! I know I am. its the way society is, its the way the world is…people only want to hear positive but there is also the negative and we need to hear that too, if we just hear positive we will feel like we are not good enough because the reality is that we cannot have all positive without some negative. He’s just got his own shit to worry about. I just wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you, praying for you, and wishing you all good things in 2017. Diane know that I care. 24. Because he loves me he sort of accepts it but we’re not allowed to tell anyone because he will be embarrassed and anyone leaving islam should be disowned. I’m 47 married with 3 kids 19, 17, 16 but yet I feel so alone. As well as this, can you try and work out what is making you depressed in the first place? .the sisters…but im like a fifth wheel. I was sexually molested around 8 years old by my now, longtime-ex brother in law, married at 20, mentally and physically abused, and divorced, without children, by 24 and vowed never to marry again. I cannot and will not be homeless.. And as the men in this state are intimidated by me, these “gentile” ladies are far from Life is short, like a vapor vanishing in a wisp of wind. As our social media addictions, fake news, Hollywood, Politicians and YOLO attitudes thrive…our individual loneliness deepens. practise it and you’ll start to feel better. Laurie, thank you for your support and kind words. Keep fighting. I wish someone who has been in this position would give tips. The good news about feeling lost, unwanted and alone is that you are in touch with your true self. I am a stuffer. I’m just getting over being sick (cold), and it seems that’s when it’s the worst. They love the money I make and are here when they need things. Reading Ecclesiastes ALWAYS makes me feel better, because it helps me remember that I’m not as alone as I think I am. Well he did go but the whole time he was saying , ” I hate this” ” I’m just here for you.” He actually stayed seated for about 4 or 5 minutes then left and said he was going to the bathroom. Loat my 0 ordination. Talk about being lonely. She and her divorce attorney utterly refuse to budge, or negotiate one iota on giving me any small percentage of my part of the equity to prevent me from living on the streets, or a homeless shelter! If you often feel … I got myself this unreal world that I go to when my real life is low. The writer – possibly King Solomon – shares how meaningless life is, how lonely, sad, and alone he feels. I feel like I’ve dedicated my life to God, and now I’m empty, broken and alone. Whatever you look like, you are beautiful and handsome in the only way that truly matters. I stuff the emotions deep so I don’t feel them. It’s as if its no longer personal for me. My mother passed away when I was little. what if you feel as if no one cares but they behave as if they do. Thank you for sharing. Romona, I can’t imagine how hard it is to lose a son and then have limited contact with your grandson. I stopped working and we spent 100% of our time together, he wanted it that way. */, “I’ve never felt more alone than I do now,” says Mark on How to Cope When You Want Your Old Life Back. Here’s my favorite thing to do when I feel like no one cares about me: I question my thoughts. If you haven’t met Jesus, take time to explore who He is. My charge was felony assult. My blessed knowledge and successful ideas are dismissed. I’m in a relationship that I want to let go because of our issues. You’re allowing yourself to be alive. He was used abused mocked beat spat upon alone. Thanks for reading aaaall this. Care for them in little ways, even with a smile and brief conversation. , Steph, I think you’re replying to me. I have some roots in the UK. I take care of my dog and I work and pay bills and then I work more bc I cant afford my bills. Ask 3 people separately. I’m going out for a walk and will prob find a cafe or somewhere to stop. I’m too old now (52) – no jobs due to affirmative action, How WORSE CAN IT GET BEFORE THE PANGAS GET US! God led me here. The best thing you can ever do right now is look at yourself in the mirror get in touch with your soul by talking to yourslef. It was a long process to heal from the pain of being rejected, abandoned, unloved and unwanted for so long. People shouldn’t have to beg for love from people who should be gladly giving it to them anyway. After reading this I cherish the small tears hovering gently in the corner of my eyes as proof that I am alive and fully feeling my emotions. No response. I posted this in an extremely negative state of mind. I am divorced. i’m currently going through perimenopause and having to deal with our 3 year old as well as my husband’s mood swings. For me, it kind of feels like wearing a coat without a back, or always sitting on a wobbly bar stool that’s about to give out. But I couldn’t get over myself, I couldn’t get past my own feelings. There are MANY women that are living our lives, which does t seem true when you look around yourself; but it is. My son told me he is going to move again in a year or two, so it is not feasible to relocate where he is currently living. I am a deeply caring person and I know what I have to offer. Hold on! December I will be 48. I figured. What gets you through these bouts of feeling unwanted and alone? Know that someone out here hears you and loves you! No one seems to care at all because what I am absolutely certain from what the women told me during the last three years. Means a lot. I cant bring my life back. Those were lies. I wore jeans and a tshirt because I was traveling with carry-on bags only, and I don’t wear dresses or heels or makeup. My husband left me with nothing for greener pastures i asked for nothing, even though he took half of what I had when he had thousands worth of equipment. I’m sort of… in ether at the moment. But the truth is I feel like I’m not very well liked at work by most of the co-workers. We as listeners care about you and we are here 24/7 to assist. I feel like no one cares about me. It’s a new experience [feeling like no one cares about me] because I chose to be alone. And i can tell you its not many.So thats why im going to fill my life up with blessings. I admire how you took control of your emotions and went to a hotel. And if people dont want to be around me. I’m not suicidal, I just know that if I died today it wouldn’t have much of an impact on anyone besides family and it saddens me. I am in absolute horror at the current situation in South Africa, which admittedly, I was completely unaware of until reading your post which sparked my curiosity and inspired additional research. I pray that you find what you need, and that it’ll sustain you through your life. It really is comforting to hear from a fellow believer, especially when it feels like nobody cares. Wild pitches that stress and confuse us, leaving us asking ourselves if anyone cares about others anymore. My Prayer: Abandoned by parents and two husbands in the cruelest way with no one to help. I wasn’t always a good person in my younger days. My husband is good for me in so many ways but intelectually we are not on the same level and that makes me feel lonely in our marriage.I’m also a very creative person and he doesn’t understand that. I asked for a prescription. I say this because not once in my life (high school, college, graduate school, work, hobby groups, etc.,) has anyone ever shown an interest in me. What to Remember When You Feel Like No One Cares, 5 Ways to Handle a Toxic Work Environment, Thoughtful Gifts for a New Mom After a Cesarean Section. If I actually get an answer to this, I’ll be extremely surprised. He lost his job the year we married and hasn’t worked since and has NO income. I have no family. I understand the blackness of it. Has anyone taken you up on your offer? I also can’t really afford it, but I’m giving myself this xmas gift of a little trip. After an intermission he showed up and said let’s go , ” I can’t take this anymore. You are not the center of the universe. Even now, especially now, I’m devastated because those people need me where I came from and I’m not there. Look for people who are lonely, unwanted, and feeling lost. Then meeting a special love who was dying of cancer. I had little black boots that just about reached my knees! I’m trying to support my son through university. I’ve had stroller rides in the UK back when strollers were lovely dark charcoal, with huge wheels and lots of room inside. And for visits.I am not interested in game playing. And no matter what I try, I fail with dating and human relationships in general. 27. More? She leaves a room when I enter. Especially since she grew up that way. But you have to discover this for yourself! We just give them an opportunity at life. People who claim they love me. When she can get around what is trying to block her communication with me, it is always her love and appreciation wanting to return, but neither of us have the power and money to succeed. Relatives far away and not close. Today: My mum is not loving or affectionate and I have come to accept this. It’s not unreasonable or unrealistic that a person could be surrounded by people who lack the ability to care about them. No one cares that I’m drowning in pain. Peace, love, joy, safety, and faith that it’s never too late for your life to unfold in beautiful and healthy ways…. Dont know what Im doing here….. Iam reading these comments. I know you might feel like no one cares, lonely and depressed, but don’t give up! We all fight our own battles, and my hope is that I can become comfortable with who I am, let the past go, stop worrying about every chance I blew and just continue trying to do the right thing and work on loving myself. I find my faith – more importantly my relationship with God – to be the only way to survive life. It’s more important than ever to be gentle and kind with yourself. But better is to learn who you are in Jesus Christ, and to become who God created you to be. I so can resonate with what your saying. Two years ago I got a job, not the best but I believe when I get something that earns a living I do my best at it. No One Cares What You Want. “How much money would I give to find a prospective mate”. More? I used to believe that how successful you are at what you do (job-related) is what will earn you love and validation and connection, but at 24 I’ve already seen this is not true. I go weeks on end without talking or seeing others. I feel like no one care, ever. I have to accept my fate for now and keep my Faith. I kept myself stuck for years. The problem with believing what you think – such as the thought that you’re alone in this world and nobody gives a toss – is that it is not true. I do want to say that the times I’ve felt the most alone are the ones where I couldn’t see a purpose for my life or what makes me special as an individual. I am working full time during the day. I use the treadmill and walk or run a mile. I feel selfish because I’m sort of seeking attention, but none of my friends have contacted me all summer and I know they aren’t busy with their Instagram posts saying “I’m bored”. I dont have courage to remove myself from the world. 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